Sunday, August 19, 2007

Carrie and Big

As I sat here in my heart shaped boxer briefs and tee, sipping my cosmopolitan, I couldnt help but wonder:

"Have you ever felt used by a selfish "BIG?"

I am sure there are many of you out there who have been the "CARRIE" and felt used by your "BIG."
This is a story of 3 male friends who lived in the windy city. We will call them Lucky, BocaJ, and Carrie.

FLASHBACK: Last Summer Carrie ands Bocaj met on a fine evening online. They instantly hit it off and decided to go on a date. Carrie being the ultimate fashionista she is went all out on picking out the right outfit and shoes for the date and was really excited to meet Bocaj aka her soon to be "BIG."

Carrie and BIG dated or SEMI-dated rather for perhaps about a 2 weeks or so. BIG was sorrta unavalaible and didnt respond to texts very well and neither did he call much. Carrie decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and began to like big more and more.
Then one day Carrie brought the subject of commitment and BIG freaked out and said that he didnt want a commited relationship at the moment so Carrie and BIG decided to be friends....

They didnt see much of each other over the next few months even though Carrie's new flatmate was BIG's best mate. Carrie figured it was because of HER that BIG never came to visit, or rarely EVER came to visit. *shrugs*

AAANNNYWAAAAAAY, then the flatmate whom we will call "SILLY" moved out eventually, and a new flatmate moved in. And ofcourse that new flatmate was..... who I mentioned earlier...Lucky!

As time passed Carrie and Lucky became very very close. They went trough thunderstorms of EVIL boys, and helped and supported each other thru some pretty turbulent times. Thery were inseperable. They would eat FULL FAT butter, and bread, Chips and Achar, tortiiiiiiLAS, and BerAAAni and chatted like school girls till the wee hours of the night before going to bed.

Then, one day, Carrie decided to pursue her dream of joining the airline industry, hence, moving to Atlanta much to both her and Luckys disappointment. Ofcourse they were both happy that Carrie was pursuing her dream but discontent that they were not going to be living in the same Bridgeport Windy City flat anymore.

Carrie decided to visit Chicago as she missed her home greatly. BIG, Lucky and Carrie decided to go the beach. Carrie suddenly felt this urge of attraction and affection towards BIG again. She told Lucky that she was going to make a move on him(BIG)

So after she dropped Lucky off at his flat, she and BIG were in the car all alone as they sat in Carries car outside BIGS flat. They kissed passionately, and it was more amazing than ever before. Carrie felt it in BIGS kiss.
Then BIG said "SO, what does this all mean?"
Carrie told BIG that she knew that he had an issue with her not being in Chicago at the moment. She told him that she was going to be moving back to Chicago pretty soon, and she would always fly him in and out to see her. And she told him that he could think about it.

Time passed, and BIG never uttered and word about the night and it was time for Carrie to come back to Chicago. BIG seemed super distant and Carrie felt it in his kiss. Carrie was crushed crushed crushed and felt as if a she was HOT BRICK being dropped from on top of the sears tower by BIG..she seemed to hit rock bottom...

As always, she turned to her dear dear mate Lucky for some much needed console ans support. Lucky made Carrie feel much better but BIGS selfish behavior just kept coming back to her and she could not get over it.

PRSENT TIME: and to this day Carrie doesnt understand why BIG treated her the way he did and why he didnt come clean from the start, and why he never really responded to texts, emails, calls etc.

well ok so not really, Carrie isnt that much of a bitch to wish something like that

now youre probably wondering what ever happened to BIG AKA BOCAJ!

wellll, BOCAJ IS SUPER HAPPY with his new love who we will call the tall and beautiful NATASHA who Carrie will never live up to, and will never be able to fill Natashas shoes...

As for Lucky, he is still living his much deserved happy life with his other half who we will call "sweetie."

And as for Carrie, she is just soooooo SICK AND TIRED of talking, breathing, thinking, and dreaming of BIG that she hopes someday she can overcome her affection for him in a healthy manner. As for now, she is enjoying flying her cute bubble butt everywhere and wondering if SHe and BIG will ever have a happy ending or if she were to move to a far distant land like PARIS, if BIG will come after her and whisk her away and win her back for ever...

well, this was the story of CARRIE, LUCKY, AND BIG aka BOCAJ!


Luis said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am almost speechless!!!

Umair said...

OMG, HUNNAYESSSS, there are quite a few spelling and word errors in there...good god! But I guess this is what happens when words are pouring out of your mouth like vomit, and youre typing NONSTOP! (does the fingers) :-D

Luis said...

Right! I'm glad you're starting a BLOGUE! So VOGUE!

Oh, and you can edit what you wrote, you know.

We'll need a special tutorial session over the phone, I guess.

So NEVER be afraid to let it all out on your BLOGUE!